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CORAS Method
CORAS Language





2015-11-16: What were the most important design choices in the development of the CORAS language? Check out the paper The CORAS Language - Why it is designed the way it is.

2015-09-03: A book focusing on risk management and assessment with respect to cybersecurity is now available: A. Refsdal, B. Solhaug and K. Stølen: Cyber-Risk Management. Springer, 2015. See Springer page.

2014-12-19: A new version (v1.4) of the Eclipse-based CORAS tool is now released. It is available for both the 32-bit and the 64-bit versions of Windows and Java, as well as for other major platforms such as Mac and Linux. See downloads.

2014-10-23: Existing standards and established methods and techniques provide little or no support for how to handle the complexity of large systems. Novel techniques for compositional risk modeling using CORAS is presented in a recent paper.

2013-12-28 A new version of the formal semantics for the CORAS modeling language is now available. Whereas the previous semantics was based on probabilities and probability reasoning, the new version supports reasoning about likelihoods using frequencies and frequency intervals. In the practical setting of risk modeling and analysis, frequencies are more adequate and suitable than probabilities. The new semantics can be found in the appendix of a technical report.

2012-10-08 For an introduction to CORAS, Chapter 3 of the CORAS book (A Guided Tour of the CORAS Method) can be downloaded for free from Springer. See also the product flyer for information about the book.

2012-01-31 Description of the CORAS tool and instructions on how to get started using the tool has been made available. The instructions include a demo video that shows the basic use and features.

2012-01-31 Join CORAS on LinkedIn. The LinkedIn Group for the CORAS approach to model-driven risk analysis offers a medium to discuss risk analysis in general and issues of relevance to CORAS in particular.

2012-01-26 A CORAS tutorial will be given on April 24 at the Cyber Security & Privacy (CSP) EU Forum 2012 in Berlin, Germany.

2011-11-02: Two CORAS tutorials will be given in December 2011, one at the 6th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST'11), December 11-14, Abu Dhabi, UAE, and one at the 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security (ICISS'11), December 15-19, Kolkata, India.

2011-10-31: Slides from the tutorial Analysing Risk in Practice: The CORAS Approach to Model-Driven Risk Analysis by A. Refsdal at CCS'10 are available: Part 1 and Part 2.

2011-10-31: Slides from the tutorial Analysing Risk in Practice: The CORAS Approach to Model-Driven Risk Analysis by B. Solhaug at SECURWARE'11 are available: Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3

2010-12-16: The Eclipse-based CORAS tool is now made available. See downloads.

2010-10-29: Book on CORAS is now available: M. S. Lund, B. Solhaug and K. Stølen: Model-Driven Risk Analysis. The CORAS Approach. Springer, 2010. See Springer page.

2010-05-11: New, Eclipse-based, CORAS tool soon to be made available.

2008-09-03: Tutorial slides from ESSCaSS 2008 made available: pdf.

2008-08-22: Complete remake of the CORAS web page.

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Page updated November 16, 2015